The RAMOGE Agreement : Why It Matters For Yachts & Captains

#6 of 6-Part Blog Series dedicated to the protection of Posidonia and seagrass meadows from the detrimental effects of dragging anchors. As a company committed to marine conservation, we believe that raising awareness and educating the yachting community about responsible anchoring practices is vital. By starting this series on World Ocean Day, we aim to highlight […]

Anchoring Safety Reimagined: Anchor Modules Now Individually Lloyds Class Certified

Our AnchorGuardian solution has reached another significant milestone. While we have proudly held Lloyds class certification for over two years, beginning with our testing pilot, we are excited to announce that we have now achieved individual certification for each AnchorGuardian anchor module. This means that every unit being installed has been individually tested and approved, […]

The Ultimate Guide to Posidonia Regulations

#4 of 6-Part Blog Series dedicated to the protection of Posidonia and seagrass meadows from the detrimental effects of dragging anchors. As a company committed to marine conservation, we believe that raising awareness and educating the yachting community about responsible anchoring practices is vital. By starting this series on World Ocean Day, we aim to highlight […]

Why Yacht Captains Facing Anchorage Fines are mostly Non-French

#2 of 6-Part Blog Series dedicated to the protection of Posidonia and seagrass meadows from the detrimental effects of dragging anchors. As a company committed to marine conservation, we believe that raising awareness and educating the yachting community about responsible anchoring practices is vital. By starting this series on World Ocean Day, we aim to […]